Thursday, March 7, 2013

Being a birthday present

There is one day that for most people, especially young ones, can't come soon enough. Many kids or teens count the days and get more and more excited the closer it gets. Everyone has one. Everyone shares it with someone. Few know the ones they share the lucky day with and even fewer are related to them. It's birthdays I'm talking about and as you might have guessed it by now, I am one of the latter.
I was born on a very rainy and bitterly cold day at the beginning of september. Very soon after my arrival on earth the happy news spread fast. And as it happens, that same day my aunt and uncle in Canada heard about it. So when they told their youngest daughter, who was 9, about her new baby cousin, her eyes started to sparkel and she said happily: "This is the best birthday present. When will she get her?" For her it was clear, that someone born on HER birthday can only be a present for her and nothing else. As you can imagine it took quite some time to make her understand that I was not really her present.
Now, however, we love to joke about this story whenever our birthday comes up and she still calls me her birthday present. ;)

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