Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Food blog

While looking through different food blogs I happened to come across the blog of The Pioneer Woman.The blogger is called Ree Drummond, an American housewife. Her blog, although being a nice food blog, is more than that. It also has a homeschooling, home & garden and an entertainment section. I have decided to tell you about her blog because I love her writing stile. Not only leave her recipes and the pictures belonging to it you drooling, her post are also fun to read. More than once I caught myself smiling or laughing at something she had written down. First there is an introduction to the recipe explaining either why she loves it or why she chose to write about it now. Then she guides you through it pretty much like a mum taking her kid by the hand and showing her how to cook for the very first time. It is nice especially when you are not that used to cooking or baking. She also provides pictures for each and every step making sure nothing goes a miss. In the end you can find a short summary giving the bullet points. This is ideal if you don't want to read through the whole post or simply don't have the time. I especially liked her post about Cherry Sherbet as I am crazy about cherries. After reading thorough the entry I got an enormous craving for cherries. So now, I can't wait for summer to finally arrive that I can try the recipe out. Hurry up, sun. Make it hot again, because I want Cherry Sherbet! ;)

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Today I found myself thinking about my last summer vacation in Canada. While doing a trip through Québec with my aunt, we came to a small village next to a Fjord. There we decided to do a guided kayaking tour and it turned out to be one of the most amazing experiences I had so far in my life. At first, I was a bit skeptic about going kayaking as I am not exactly a sporty person. However, soon I was overwhelmed. It was a beautiful and warm summer day and the water was really calm. The fjord was embedded in deep green because to either sides were hills covered with trees. And although you were in a group, you were able to enjoy the nature all by yourself in your little kayak. Like I said before, I absolutely loved it and I can only recomend you doing it as well should you ever get a chance to. :)

Skype World Records


While skyping with my friend the other night we suddenly came to think about what the longest skype call might be and whether or not we could and should beat it. So we started doing some research and discovered that a girl from Sydney and her friend currently held the record as they managed to skype for 240 hours, 10 minutes and 23 seconds, which is about 10 days. The main rule is that there must be a continuous conversation the whole time. So we've decided that it's not that hard to do especially with freinds to help us by taking shifts.


The only problem is that there is a different record for that. Riley Wood and her friends managed to skype for 12.008 hours, four minutes and 31 seconds, which is about 500 days long.
So guess what, we've decided not to break the record, because after all we do have a (social) life. ;)

Being a birthday present

There is one day that for most people, especially young ones, can't come soon enough. Many kids or teens count the days and get more and more excited the closer it gets. Everyone has one. Everyone shares it with someone. Few know the ones they share the lucky day with and even fewer are related to them. It's birthdays I'm talking about and as you might have guessed it by now, I am one of the latter.
I was born on a very rainy and bitterly cold day at the beginning of september. Very soon after my arrival on earth the happy news spread fast. And as it happens, that same day my aunt and uncle in Canada heard about it. So when they told their youngest daughter, who was 9, about her new baby cousin, her eyes started to sparkel and she said happily: "This is the best birthday present. When will she get her?" For her it was clear, that someone born on HER birthday can only be a present for her and nothing else. As you can imagine it took quite some time to make her understand that I was not really her present.
Now, however, we love to joke about this story whenever our birthday comes up and she still calls me her birthday present. ;)


Hey guys, while skimming through YouTube to find some good videos for our SuK class I happened to come across this video of a flashmob at the University of Toronto. For those of you who don't know what a flashmob is I'll try to explain it briefly. A flashmob is a sudden action of a few to surprise and most of the time entertain others. Although it might seem improvised, it is well thought through and planned. Personally, I'd say that this particular flashmob is one of the best I've seen so far and I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did. :)

Safety first

I love going abroad. Visiting other countries, listening to other languages, getting to know other cultures are all things I'm looking forward to whenever I'm in Austria. And the easiest way to get there is by flying. And although I really like getting on board a plane and just relax for the duration of the flight there's one thing I am really tired seeing. The safety instructions. Of course it's really important knowing how to behave in an emergency situation, but lets face it. I have seen it way too often and most of the time it's just a really bad and boring video and the board crew is equally bored while acting out nothing more than the absolutely necessary. As a result most of the passengers don't pay that much attention which can turn out to be a grave mistake. To go against this dangerous trend more and more airlines have come up with fun ideas to get the passangers' attention. Air New Zealand produced a video which I think is one of the best. Have fun watching it. :D

Yes, he can.


Four years ago, Barack Obama managed to talk himself into the heart of his fellow countrymen and became the 44th president of the United States. His saying: "Yes, we can." became famous and known all over the world. Everyone put his hope into this young and very charismatic man and thought he would fix all the problems the States had. However, one person alone and four years were not enough to do so. Their expectations were way too high and so this year, when it was time to elect the president many Americans ogled with the thought of voting Mitt Romney. And for quite some time it wasn't clear whether Romney or Obama would win.

Now, finally it is over, the Americans have voted and the whole world has been anticipating their decision. And Barack Obama can call himself for four more years "The honorable" or "Mr. President".
