Sunday, June 23, 2013


One of the last books I read was "The Hobbit" by J.R.R.Tolkien. Mr. Tolkien originally wrote made up the story for his children and because they liked it so much, he decided to publish it. It was released in 1937 and tells the story of the hobbit Bilbo Beggins and an unexpected journey.

Bilbo is a typical hobbit meaning he is set in his own ways. He hates unexpected things or leaving his nice hobbit hole - his home. However, one day the wizard Gandalf the Grey shows up at his place and is very soon been followed by 13 dwarfs. Their plan is to go on an adventure, a journey with the old dwarf kingdom as their final stop. A long time ago, their ancestors had to leave their kingdom as a dragon took it over and robbed them not only from their home but also from their treasures. The plan of the group of dwarves with the help of Bilbo is to win back the kingdom as well as all their ancestors' gold. At first Bilbo is not very fond of the idea of having to leave his comfortable home and of going on an adventure. However, after a night of eating and drinking with Gandalf and the dwarves he decides, against all his hobbit nature and instincts, to join them - and so, his biggest journey begins.

I loved the book. From the first page on you start falling in love not only with Bilbo but with the whole fantasy world made up by Tolkien. It's written in a very charming way and you can clearly see it has been originally made up for kids. The language is simple and very pictorial as you can easily see the characters and the lands in your mind's eye.

Although the book has been adapted to a movie but to me the book is way better. I generally prefer the book to the film and in this case it was no different. So should you be into fantasy novels and into "Lord of the Rings" ("The Hobbit" is actually the prequel to "LotR") I can only highly recommend "The Hobbit". :)

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