Sunday, January 19, 2014


How do you torture your students without having to do too much yourself?
Surprise exam? Nah, too much work correcting that.
Extra homework? Ugh, again, who on earth wants to correct that?
Forcing them to write blog posts? Hm... Sounds promising. Definitely keep that in mind for later, but it's not enough for now.
Make them give presentations? Ah, now we're getting somewhere. But simply let them present stuff? Boooooring. Let's make it worse. Somehow. If that's even possible.
Maybe a Pecha Kucha? Yes! That's it. The answer to THE question! The ultimate torture device for students. Make them present something in a way they have neither heard of before, nor know how to pronounce correctly.

That is how I imagine our teachers reached the decision of us having to give Pecha Kuchas. For those of you who have absolutely no clue what I'm talking about, good for you. But I'm not gonna explain it here, so fgi.

Did I like it? Hm... Not particularly. The presenting part itself was fine and I think the others did a wonderful job presenting it. However, the creating process was bad. Not only did we have to find a topic; no, we also had to find enough information for the six minutes 40 ahead of us. Plus, we had to time everything perfectly, find pictures and practise, practise and once again practise. Unfortunately, my PK's "we" turned into an "I" quite fast, which made the experience even more tempting and fun.

All in all, I have to admit, it was a pretty nice way to torture us. My respects. I'll keep that in mind should I ever become a teacher. So, future students of mine: be prepared. ;)

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