Monday, March 31, 2014

Article Analysis

In the article "Whoa, Dude, Are We Inside a Computer Right Now?", written by Ben Makuch and published on September 11, 2012 on the website Vice, Makuch tries to answer the question whether we could be living in a computer simulation or not. For his arguments, he mainly uses ethos and logos. Especially in the first part, where he introduces Rich Terrile, he informs the reader about Terrile's achievements. Makuch states that Terrile is a "well regarded scientist, the director of the Center for Evolutionary Computation and Automated Design at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory". Furthermore, he ends his second paragraph by saying "so we‘re going to go ahead and take him seriously". In the second part of the text logos becomes more important. Terrile gives examples supporting the computer simulation theory. For instance, he argues that "the universe is pixelated" which means everything can not be broken down further than into a fundamental unit. He also mentions that by the rate our technology improves very soon, in 30 years, we will have computers strong enough to simulate our world. These logical arguments as well as the Ethos used in the beginning of the text make it highly credible and convincing.

Friday, March 21, 2014

PSA - After Death Avatar

She‘s gone. My little sister. She took her life and I don‘t know why. I didn‘t even know she had serious problems until now. She always seemed so happy, so perfect. I want to ask her, talk to her and not being able to breaks, even kills me.

DON‘T do that to your loved ones. Get an after death avatar NOW!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

A day in the life of a guardian angel!

She stirs. I know her daily routine by heart now. Her struggle to get out of bed. At last, she manages, sits up and rubs the sleep out of her eyes. I have not slept for a minute. My sleep could mean her harm. She loves to toss and turn and she could easily bump against a shelf or a wall or fall of her bed. I‘m telling you, this human is unbelievable. I once fell asleep during a night shift, just for a second, and she almost fell of a bumper bed. The top, not the bottom one.

I never leave her side. I spent my mornings watching over her very closely. While she eats, walks her dogs, goes to uni and to work. Those mornings are always stressful for me. There are so many dangers. Wether it is bumping against something or slipping and falling. The afternoons are usually more relaxed. My human loves to read and listen to music. These activities usually hold little risk for her to accidentally hurt herself. Even IF she‘s horribly clumsy.

Soon afterwards, another day ends. And although it‘s a never ending story, protecting her every second, I can‘t really complain. After all, I do love my job and my clumsy human.