Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A critique of an anonymous summary!

The article “Europe already has one foot in ‘Japanese’ deflation grave” written by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard and published on 23th of October 2013 in The Telegraph is about Europe’s debt crisis. The author addresses the issue of setting policies erroneously and this causing debt to rise significantly. He warns of ending up like Japan’s economy due to disastrous policy management. 
Debt in Europe is on the increase and becoming a serious threat to the European economy. In addition, deflation exacerbates debt. Evans-Pritchard names Italy and Spain as perfect illustrations for this debt dilemma. He states the risk of runaway debt in Italy, which leads to massive unemployment or a pay of 6.3% towards debt. According to the author, even Germany is at risk because public as well as private debt is affected. In his point of view, politicians and their irresponsible policy-making are to blame for the situation all Europeans face today. 
Evans-Pritchard proposes two possible solutions. One way to approach the problem could be that Club Med gang up on Germany and tell Germany to implement a relation policy. The other solution would be to wait for the economy to recover by itself. Obviously, the latter option is quite irresponsible.

This is the summary I happened to choose. The first thing I noticed it that there are commas missing in the first sentence. I would but them before "written by Ambrose and after "The Telegraph" as this part does not change the meaning of the main sentence but is merely an addition to it. Another thing I noticed was that in the last paragraph I would write "the members of Club Med gang up" as I think it is important to mention that all the members themselves need to make the decision of standing up against Germany. The last sentence should be taken out completely as it sounds like a personal opinion which should not be included in a summary. However, if it is Evans-Pritchard's opinion then it is fine but that information should be included as well. Other than those few things I like the summary and I am impressed by the vocabulary as I would probably never have come up with words like erroneously. Well done. :)

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